Monday, 5 January 2009

CCM branch secretary crossed over to Chadema

Mbeya Rural by-election campaigns took a new turn yesterday after 43 members of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), including the secretary of Maongeze branch, Mr Lwitiko Mwanjoka, crossed over to Chadema.

He returned two cards, one for CCM membership and another for the youth wing of the ruling party-UVCCM.

The Chadema member of the central Committee, Mr Said Arfi, immediately handed the defector with a new Chadema card.

Speaking at a rally held in Mbalizi township afterwards, Mr Mwanjoka said he had decided to defect because for a long time CCM had failed to live up to its promises as far as ensuring a better life for every Tanzanian was concerned.

He said as a branch secretary he had participated in many development activities. These include mobilizing contributions for the construction of ward secondary schools, he said.

However, he went on to say, in the end he realised that what was being said by politicians was different from what was actually being done on the ground.

He said the situation constantly haunted him and in the end he decided to shift from the party so that he could enter 2009 as a clean person.

Mr Mwanjoka also presented Mr Arfi with a bag that had CCM documents and stamps so that the top leadership could hand them over to the CCM secretary general, Mr Yusuf Makamba.from Citizen.

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