I remember in Dar those days When Tubaijuka was in BAWATA
Mwaka 1997, government was suspicious with BAWATA was accused been involved in Politics and this Organization was banned for 10yrs until Judge Amir Manento decide to allow BAWATA this Woman organization to continue their work again in Tanzania .But I was there when Tubaijuka start to fight for Tanzania Woman and the Curent President that time DR BEN was insulted to see Tubaijuka helped BAWATA to be more popular than UWT the ruling party Woman organization this was the reason this organization was punished for ten yrs and Tubaijuka left for Overseas Work at UN. Mrs. Anna Tibaijuka, until recently the Executive Director of
UN-HABITAT, was 24th November 2010 appointed the Minister for Human Settlements, Housing and Urban Affairs in Tanzania’s new Cabinet.She have Internation Experience in her resume!
I beleive this woman could be the shining star for the ruling party , she is quite Iron lady and strong enough to lead the Country less corrupt compare to many CCM big names , I feel she can lift up Tanzania woman .She is one of them in 2015 can help ruling party to keep power.Tubaijuka she show her power after fighting with Land grabers and Invaders in Dar es Salaam.
For Zanzibar we have our own Iron Lady Fatma Ferej the Minister in Vice President office .She is taking her war on drug dealers and Inviroment , drugs which have destroy the youth of this Beautiful Islands of Zanzibar.
I met her two yrs ago during her visit in USA , I am quite Impressed with Ferej is not easy Woman to treat her like second class, she is real and her love for the country and hard working .I am, not sure this two Political parties CUF and CCM Know the Jewel they have and how they will use them to benefit the country.
I hear many names like Asha Migiro , AMbassador Maajar and others but this two in the picture look out on them few yrs to come .
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