A large fraction of Kenyans have come to regard the ICC intervention as an attempt to remove the two from political contention rather than seek justice for the victims of the violence. This view was given credence by statements by European and U.S. officials warning Kenyans of dire consequences if they elected Kenyatta and Ruto. These statements came just when polls showed that the race for presidency was tightening. Therefore, many Kenyans considered the statements an attempt by the United States and Europe to impose leaders on them: To an extent, Uhuru’s win represents a rejection of what Kenyans consider neo-colonial intervention. Even with intimidation over sanctions, Kenyans have made their choice, and this choice should be respected by all those who genuinely stand for democracy and freedom.
Amani coalition presidential candidate Musalia Mudavadi on Saturday threw his weight behind President-elect Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto in a deal that will give the Jubilee coalition a majority in the Senate and Parliament
Moments after the deal was sealed, an emboldened Mr Kenyatta announced that the Jubilee leadership was ready for a repeat election if the petition filed on Saturday by Cord coalition at the Supreme Court is successful.
A total of nine political parties and a number of independent candidates were involved in the agreement which was signed at the President-elect’s home in Nairobi
total of nine political parties and a number of independent candidates were involved in the agreement which was signed at the President-elect’s home in Nairobi.
Moments after the deal was sealed, an emboldened Mr Kenyatta announced that the Jubilee leadership was ready for a repeat election if the petition filed on Saturday by Cord coalition at the Supreme Court is successful.
“If the Supreme Court rules in our favour, we welcome our colleagues to join us so that we can move this country forward. But
But if they rule against us, then we are ready to go back to the people.”
Mr Mudavadi, who came a distant third after Mr Kenyatta and Raila Odinga of Cord, said his move was informed by his pre-election pledge to accept the decision that would be made by Kenyans.I want to congratulate you for a deserved victory,” said Mr Mudavadi. “We want to work with you; we do not want to create an unnecessary stumbling block as we move ahead.”
In essence, the credibility of the ICC in Kenya and, indeed, in Africa is severely damaged. As such, the international community’s engagement with Kenya should not be informed by the ICC process. Already the cases are falling apart and the Court has in fact referred one of the cases back to the pre-trial chamber to reconsider the confirmation of charges. There are indications that the charges should be withdrawn as witnesses have recanted their statements, which were pivotal in confirming the charges. It is therefore irrational and shortsighted for foreign governments to base their relations with a democratically elected government on the basis of what Kenyans have come to rightfully consider a highly political ICC process.
The head of state and his deputy face a challenging task ahead of them. The new leadership must focus on the issues surrounding the post-election violence, including historical grievances, such as land ownership and access to economic opportunities, that were the real cause of the violence. They must also focus on regional inequalities and youth unemployment, both of which have the potential to destabilize the country. Finally, the new leadership has inherited a country that is severely divided along ethnic lines, especially because of the ICC intervention. Kenya cannot become the great nation that it aspires to be with such a fractionalized society. The success of the Kenyatta administration will therefore largely depend on how well it succeeds in unifying Kenyans.
For the Kenyatta administration to succeed in steering Kenya towards a path of economic transformation, it must strengthen Kenya’s relations with her neighbors in East Africa and Africa at large. The administration must also deepen and diversify the country’s strategic relations with the wider international community, especially in respect to development cooperation, trade and investment. However, such relationships should not be at the expense of ceding Kenya’s sovereignty. This is the clear and resounding message that Kenyans sent in voting for Kenyatta and Ruto.
A few weeks before the election, President Barack Obama delivered a pointed message to the people of Kenya in which he made it clear that the United States was not supporting any particular candidate and that his government would work with the leaders that Kenyans elect in a free and fair election. The Kenyans have made this choice and have done so guided by a new constitution that has largely overhauled the country’s institutions. To advance the course of peace and stability in Kenya, it is crucial that the international community, led by President Obama, support Kenyatta and his government as he takes over the leadership of the country. This support should start with an explicit message congratulating the president-elect.
President Obama can demonstrate his commitment to the advancement of democracy in Africa by making an official visit to Kenya as soon as possible. It will be great day for Kenya and Africa when the democratically elected President Kenyatta hosts the leader of the free world in the country of his father’s birth.
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