Folks I usually don't write about the Political situation like this but I will say it look long Walk to freedom is near in Tanzania and the ruling party is on the verge of collapse if yo are rely watching the trends of the election in Tanganyika and Zanzibar I will say history repeat it self when the Ruling party in Kenya KANU which those days use to call (KANU YAJENGA NCHI )( THE PARTY WHICH BUILD THE COUNTRY
Today I will sing for the old man Party CCM now Yajenga Nchi but it look is hard to build any thing from house , party or Company but is very easy to tear down and this is what is happening now.
What I saw few years back the by election have created panic for the ruling party CCM. It was Jul 13, 2011 – Jimbo la Igunga mkoani Tabora which used to be represented by popular Asian Business Man Rostam Aziz this was the crack I saw the ruling Party suffered psychological . When the Opposition put stiff competition to retain the seat after Rostam resign to remove his ugozi ( Or VUA GAMBA or remove corrupt leaders this was the death of the ruling party was prepared and now the Ruling party is on death row , but the sad part the old man party is creating secret militia to disrupt the peace of the country.The ruling CCM won the by-election by a narrow margin over the opposition party. Dr Peter Kafumu of CCM got 26,484 votes while Chadema’s Peter Kashindye got 23,260. Leopold Mahona from the Civic United Front (CUF), who was earlier considered a threat to CCM although the party’s main strength is in Zanzibar, was far behind with only 2,104 votes
It was a highly eventful by-election in which all three main candidates used helicopters. Among the incidents reported in the press:- all parties fielded many of their top people including Chadema chairman Freeman Mbowe, Secretary General Dr. Wilbroad Slaa and youthful and charismatic MPs like Zitto Kabwe, Joseph Mbilinyi, Halima Mdee and John Mnyika.
- the media were there in strength. One journalist wrote how a CCM leader had been found in bed with another man’s wife but had escaped being beaten . Later, CCM was reported to be buying up all newspapers in Igunga to bury the scandal.- Chadema supporters temporarily arrested the Igunga District Commissioner, who was said to be addressing an ‘illegal party meeting’ and the police then arrested two Chadema MPs said to have been involved. PhD student was quoted as saying: “I attended Chadema’s campaign closing rally. It was the largest compared to those of CCM and CUF, but the crowd comprised mostly youths between 15 and 17 years of age who were not registered as voters…. “CCM’s decision to use Rostam Aziz at its opening ceremony (after he had resigned from the party) lost confidence among some voters who had started to see it as a party marred by internal conflicts and ignored youth un employment..
CHADEMA boss also urged state organs to be partial and take action on murder cases involving members of his party instead of taking sides. He said 16 CHADEMA members were killed during the by-election in Igunga while three others were killed during the recent by-election in Arumeru but the police had not taken any action.
CHADEMA boss also urged state organs to be partial and take action on murder cases involving members of his party instead of taking sides. He said 16 CHADEMA members were killed during the by-election in Igunga while three others were killed during the recent by-election in Arumeru but the police had not taken any action.
The youth unemployment problem in Bongoland. Let’s take it up from there and begin to address the challenges. We need to be candid with ourselves when asking where did the rain start beating us youth? What didn’t we do right? Who was responsible? Was the failure deliberate and did anyone try to deal with it? If so, how far did they get and why? It look any one can put fire on jobless youth we saw in Zanzibar CCM created Militia using jobless youth when there was by election after the death of Member of Parliament in Bububu the blood was like we see today in Arusha, scare tactic to sacre people not to vote , plant bombs but it look this old man party is getting out of Control the division in this party have forced some influential politician to subortage the party for there own interest and blaming opposition as the sauce of this violence . I f you see this picture below show how this Arusha tourist city have become Damascus s of today !
I will ask any heroic CCM leaders to shun the militia who hijacked this old many party and create the chaos of destroying the peace and the lost of the life .It is about the time for the old man party to be buried for the sake of peace for this Dare salaam or land of peace .It was Uhuru Kenyata who abandon his father party KANU in Kenya after smelling the blood of militia which cost the life of Charismatic leaders like Tom Mboya , Robert Ouko and others . It was the same tactic we see today which Moi tried to use Police to save the KANU after the introduction of Multiparty in Kenya but the Politician decided to say eneough is enough and tehy join in one hand to form NRC which end the brutality of OLD MAN party in Kenya.
Below Picture Tanzania Prime minister Mizengo Pinda console member of Parliament who was attacked by CCM militia in Arusha .
Priority would be to focus on the Youth to empower it to play a greater role in helping youth create employment. The first of such interventions would be to end leadership wrangles in this old man party not to look for which hunt. there is well know Gossip there is group working against the current President vision and to late him finish his second term in bitter way , but the sad part this group have infiltrated the security organs to put there agenda secretly and Mr President is buying the agenda of this group through security agents who are working for this group and to advice the security organs like Police to act violently and make the country not governable . Wake up Mr President Kikulacho kiko nguoni Mwako !
What is clear is that we must address youth unemployment with the same urgency we would address a disaster. Only this way can we set alight the hope of a new day dawning.
Let CCM die completely so we can start fresh from this which hunt so we can have a country guided by True leaders not corrupt Leaders lets have wholly guided Leaders who can think the future of this country.Guided by the principles of fairing god evil people will not thrive in this land and we will see more like this before 2015 elections watch and I will meet you here !
This lady was opposition leader from Chadema was killed by CCM government militia . I wonder if Mr Pinda this person was your sister in this coffin how would you feel and you will tell the Police kill and shoot the innocent citizen I think it is about time for you to go back to your village and Anza Farming!
Mr Pinda Politically you are done take early retirement your statement last week on the parliament was farewell in your political journey you cant tell the Police to beat innocent people , are you telling the world there is no more court system in Tanganyika and Zanzibar it was quite scared to me to hear Prime minister telling people beat what ever you want or shoot them
This lady was opposition leader from Chadema was killed by CCM government militia . I wonder if Mr Pinda this person was your sister in this coffin how would you feel and you will tell the Police kill and shoot the innocent citizen I think it is about time for you to go back to your village and Anza Farming!
Mr Pinda Politically you are done take early retirement your statement last week on the parliament was farewell in your political journey you cant tell the Police to beat innocent people , are you telling the world there is no more court system in Tanganyika and Zanzibar it was quite scared to me to hear Prime minister telling people beat what ever you want or shoot them
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