Sunday 15 September 2013

GOOD BYE ZANZIBAR (NI NJEMA ATAKAE AJE ? ) a sinking tourist paradise !

I smell politics here on this Paradise  Islands on Acid fiasco  i might be wrong  it sound there are some people  are planting new style of TINDIKALI of division of people of this two Islands if you see how Pembans are been attacked online this division of WAUNGUJA and WAPEMBA is new poison planted with those who have political interest.   A sinking tourist paradise ! Youth unemployment  is stating to show the  effects on tourism sentiments the train will not stop here if our Leaders stay Silent. see this comments in this Blogs you will see the  people who have interest to create Wahutu and Watusi style  in our society.Zanzibar will stay united as one nation.

 We wonder now Sheikh Issa Ponda was a reason for British girls acid situation in Zanzibar few months ago but now he is locked  the Political Leadership in Zanzibar is looking for another reason to lock other anti government clerics for Joseph Mwingamba  for his acid burns ?

Mohammed Kidevu Sheha of Tomondo District former soccer Player of Small Simba sports club was the victim of the Acid attacks in Zanzibar it was May 2103 when this happened with this New TINDIKALI style.

After Tanganyika  independence from Britain in Dec 1961 and the Zanzibar Revolution in January 1964, Tanganyika and Zanzibar united on April 26, 1964 to form the present Tanzania.Zanzibar With a population of about 1200,000, Zanzibar wants to separate from the mainland Tanzania, with a population of about 45 million, to form its own republic

Zanzibar could attest to the real political situation there. Members of the parliament were discussing and complaining of “foreignization of the island’s tourism,” referring to the higher influx of  Tanzanians from the mainland.They gave several reasons to justify , some being dictatorship rule by the President of Tanzania over the people of Zanzibar, unfair distribution of wealth between the two sides of the Union, poverty among Zanzibar people, and rights over oil control and foreign policy . Rich in tourism, Zanzibar remains poorer compared to the mainland tourist towns of Arusha and Moshi in the northern circuit. Children’s rights activists have been raised an alarm over escalating child labor in the island’s tourism, mostly those taking tourists to dolphin safaris.

Vice President  DR Bilal with Sheikh So raga 
Tourism is currently the leading source of revenue to Zanzibar's economy, injecting 27 percent to the isle’s gross domestic product (GDP), while generating 72 percent of the isle’s foreign currency.
The island has seen a remarkable growth in tourism, with optimism to attract more holidaymakers there. Zanzibar is famous for its beaches, deep-sea fishing, scuba diving, and dolphin watching.
Its target is to attract high-class tourists to compete with other Indian Ocean island destinations, such as Seychelles, Mauritius, La Reunion, and Maldives.
The legislators asked the minister to investigate further to find out the 'correct' ratio of Zanzibaris employed in the tourism sector compared to non-Zanzibaris and foreigners. There have been repeated calls by members of the Zanzibar House of Representatives for the government to ensure that more local people are employed in the tourism sector.

Critics of the Union see no reason why Zanzibar is much poorer than the rest of Indian Ocean islands, despite its rich ocean resources, taking into account that most island states in the world are richer than hinterland states.
There are circulating reports that Zanzibar people also want to see their island become a republic and run alone as a free port like Dubai, Singapore, or Hong Kong, and take an opportunity to dominate business links in Eastern, Southern and Central Africa.

Zanziibar President Dr Shein with Father Joseph  Mwagambwa is being treated in hospital for burns after the incident on Friday afternoon. He was leaving an internet cafe in Stone Town in Zanzibar City when acid was thrown over him. 

Members of the island’s parliament have recently blasted their government over moral decay among the youths, as the tourism industry thrives, while the level of poverty increase. Politics is currently dominating every corner of this beautiful tourist island that once earned fame from prominent world personalities including Bill Gates, The Aga Khan, and the famous South African singer, Sipho Mabhuse, who sang in his song, “Oh Zanzibar.”
While tourists are still flocking to Zanzibar’s warm tropical beaches to enjoy the African sun or playing with dolphins and taking the time to go scuba diving, residents and politicians are busy debating whether their lovely tourist island should separate from mainland Tanzania or not. Some members of the Zanzibar House of Representatives are alleging that the tourism sector is dominated by non-Zanzibaris contrary to the isles ambition of establishing the industry three decades ago.
"We have evidence that more than one-thousand "foreigners" including Kenyans have dominated jobs in most tourist hotels. Some are staying illegally and holding Tanzanian passports," Mr Makame Mshimba Mbarouk (CCM- Kitope) alleged.
Debating the report from the House committee responsible for "livestock, Tourism, economic empowerment and Information," accused the government and the immigration for not taking "any action despite receiving reliable information about foreigners working in Zanzibar illegally."
The legislator also alleged that there has been serious violation of employment laws in the tourism sector, including lack of contracts and uncalled-for expelling of work, giving an example of Blue Bay, Karafuu, and Serena Hotels. Mr Ismail Jussa Ladu (CUF-Mjimkongwe) said that unemployment problem in Zanzibar can be solved by implementing job restriction rules, "mainly making sure all jobs in the tourist hotels are for Zanzibaris, unless the position cannot be filled by a Zanzibari."

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