Wednesday, 25 February 2015


A committee for coordinating the fight against torture and killings of People with Albinism (PwA) has given the government 14 days ultimatum to announce the results of a secret ballot held in 2010 that was meant to identify perpetrators involved in PwA killings.
Failure to do so, the committee has threatened to boycott the referendum on the proposed Constitution and General Elections slated for April and October respectively.
Speaking to journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday, the Chairman of the committee, Said Ndoge, said if the government fails to reveal the results as per their demand, the committee will persuade their followers not to participate during the referendum as well as the elections.
“There is no need for us to vote for or against the proposed Constitution nor the coming General Election if we are not even sure of our very own survival,” he reasoned.
“What is the importance of taking part in the two exercises if we are not assured of tomorrow?” he went on to query.
“We can only take part in the two important events if the government takes actions against the tortures and brutal killings People with Albinism,” he insisted.
He said the government had earlier pledged to release names of people responsible for the attacks and killings but has not done so to date.
According to him, the brutal killings have continued to take place due to the government’s failure to take decisive action.
The chairperson highlighted the fact that the government is taking quick and comprehensive  measures to end poaching but according to him; “They (government) are not doing that when PwA are killed.”
He cited the fact that several ministers were held responsible for mishandling the anti-poaching operation ‘Tokomeza Ujangili’ and yet the Ministry of Home Affairs has never been held responsible over PwA tortures and brutal killings.
“Since government launched the special ‘referendum’ in 2009 to reveal those behind the killings, it has not given any findings,” he said “…this only serves to accelerate PwA killings,” he added.
The committee is also calling on the President to sign the death penalty authorisation for those found guilty of PwA killings to deter others.
According to him, there are many cases related to PwA killings that are being dragged in court with no end in sight.
General Secretary of the committee Kassim Kibwe, said most PwA are not involved nor consulted on measures needed to address the matters despite the fact they are the primary affected party.
He however conceded that the government in collaboration with Tanzania Albinism Society (TAS) has been taking the views of a small fraction of PwA but said the small selected group is not sufficient to represent their views.
“We do not trust TAS anymore nor recognise them as our representative,’ he declared and seized the moment to announce “…the committee has formed another association called ‘Tuna Haki ya Kuishi (THK)’ to fight for the rights and other issues concerning PwA.”
A member of the committee, Gaston Mcheka said the tortures and killings of PwA might be linked to some politicians because killings increase around General Election years.
More than 70 albinos have been murdered in Tanzania since 2000, according to the United Nations.
In the latest incident, one-year-old baby with albinism, Yohana Bahati, was murdered and his body mutilated by unknown people in Geita Region in the Lake zone mid this month.
An armed gang snatched Yohana from his mother at their home just a month after the government announced a nationwide ban on witchdoctors, who are accused of encouraging attacks on PwA.
 He was the second albino child in two months to be abducted in the Lake zone. Also, a four-year-old girl who was kidnapped in December is still missing.

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