Saturday 10 January 2015


summary key messages from Fidel’s international burial

1. Rosemary Odinga and Elijah Oburu will competently carry the Odinga flag in future.

2. Mbadi as ODM chair should tone down reckless activism. His position demands a middle ground on issues.

3. Sakaja should join Cord. He is too brilliant for Jubilee. He should have been the one to read the president’s speech and not Rachel Omamo who cannot speak a single dholuo word.

4. Ouru should stop sending Omamo to serious events, unless he simply wants her to be shown on tv as incompetent. And what’s with sending speeches?

5The way Orengo, Kalonzo and Wetangula have stood with Raila since Fidel’s death is more than even a brother could have done.

6. Chief ‘mole’ Ababu Namwamba rocks!

7. Oburu Odinga is the best big brother on earth. His younger brother has all the limelight, but Oburu is content to support and protect Raila’s family like a father.

8. Fidel was mourned internationally with delegations from Tazania (government minister), Uganda (Government minister), Rwanda (Kagame sent representative), Zimbabwe (Prime Minister Morgen Tsvangilai),Southern Sudan (Riek Machar who sent a Garang son to represent him) and others. How more awesome can it get?!

9. Cornel Rasanga the Siaya governor is such a clown!

10. We love Baba. We can’t help it. Long live Baba.

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