Sunday, 8 April 2012

What CCM have Learned from Arumeru by elections ?

The big victory of Tanzania’s main opposition party, Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo, in the Arumeru East by-election has sent early warning signals about the future of the political landscape in the country.
Chadema’s 26-year-old candidate, Joshua Nassari, was declared the winner last weekend, garnering 32,972 votes — 54 per cent of the vote. Mr Nassari’s closest rival, the ruling Chama cha Mapinduzi’s flag bearer, Sioi Sumari, got 26,757 votes, or around 44 per cent.
Arumeru East constituency returning officer Trasias Kagenzi said while more than 120,000 people registered for the by-election, only 60,696 voted. Eligible votes were 60,038 while 661 votes were spoilt.
There were eight candidates running for the seat, but the remaining six did not even manage three figures.
Political pundits say the Arumeru-East by-election signals that the 2015 general election will be an unprecedentedly competitive one.


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