Thursday, 1 August 2013


The former Prime Minister of Kenya Mr Raila Odinga and CORD Governors held a town hall meeting with Kenyans in Irving, TEXAS. The former PM was accompanied by the CORD Governors for the Bi-National Governors Summit. The Governors enumerated various developments going on in their respective Counties and asked Kenyans to invest in their respective Counties

The good people of Makueni voted for Wiper, not Mutula Jnr. ? Jubilee were able to block Kethi Kilonzo but Cord still won heavily 

They would have voted for a monkey in a suit, as long as it wasstanding on Wiper ticket- so as to "punish" Jubilee. Mutula Jnr only campaigned for just a few "seconds" very late before the ballot was cast. He did not even venture 30% of the vast Makueni. He does not have any "development record" to speak of and most people of Makueni just saw him on TV and know he's the son of the real thing. 

On the other hand, just imagine all the goodies someone like Mwau would have brought to the people of Makueni, implicating the wonderful job he did in Kilome as an MP! I know the role of a Senator is not to unleash the goodies, but hey the people there are starving, some even feed on rats, truth be told. Water is like goldin those parts. 

What impact will the people of Makueni see in 5 short years brought about by Jnr? What has Kalonzo done in Ukambani for the last 30+ years? 

Ngilu was accused of heavily favoring Ukambani when she waswater minister but she got "punished" by the Wiper wave. Is theresomething odd/wrong/funny with our politics? I doubt even someone like Mandela would have made it unless he was in the "right" party. Honestly..... 
But the power of youth have show  any where in Africa can not be stopped for changes  Kenya youth can be the experiment to other nations how youth can not be stopped any more to take the leadership in Africa.

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