Sunday 29 September 2013


My  few yrs ughaibuni I  have learned  alot  , I met many people from Mozambique , Zimbabwe , Congo as well Nigeria many there story is fascinating all this people are using Tanzania  passport  , and when you ask them how they got is very interesting. Someone is pocketing millions of dollars in Arusha area for selling this Bongo passports. Many Zimbaweans mostly in New York area my network  will tell you how they got to Arusha and learn swahili in 6 weeks  crush course and pay $5000 for the package of basic swahili  language and  Tanzania Passports. Few Ethiopian as well but how this happened while our government is tolerating someone selling Tanzania passports like Apples .

 We were  told  terrorist  in Nairobi some of them were Americans five of them mostly from Minnesota they arranged the escape  tunnel through sewage system in the building  and rent  shop in the mall to store explosives but how this people will not be able to enter any where where they can buy ID , passport even  open business to hide there evil plans ! this is just little network  don't mention those who arrived In Kenya from Bongo and go to Rawalpindi, Pakistan to carry drugs and return to Seychelles and get another fake passport  and get another route to Europe and other parts of the world  don't you surprised many  young girls from Tanzania recently caught in China and Egypt with drugs ! 

This evil people can enter even in Zanzibar  with out any ID or passports as long they speak basic Swahili and  stay in the Luxury  hotels and do this evil stuff like TINDI KALI while our leaders are entertaining other things  . There were at least 6 Americans among  the attackers who stormed Westgate last Saturday in Nairobi, according to a list of the attackers by nationality just published . The total number of attackers were 15.

This new info has hardly surprised terror analysts because Al-Shabab has been getting a lot of recruits from the US over the last 6 years and more specifically from Minnesota, home of the largest Somali community in the United States. It is believed that well over 60 young American Somalis have left the US for Somalia to join the al Shabab over the last 6 years alone.

All are believed to have been from Minnesota. Minnesotas' Somali community, concentrated in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, includes people who fled the long civil war in their east African homeland and children born in the U.S. Many are now American citizens. 
Al-Shabab's recruitment efforts in the United States began in 2007 when small groups began discussing returning home to fight Ethiopian troops who entered Somalia to prop up a weak U.N.-backed government and were seen by many Somalis as foreign invaders. The recruiters aimed their appeal at the young mens' patriotic and religious ideals.

The terror groups' recruiting technique is essentially a call to jihad, that this is a religious duty. Internet videos are a major tool for the group. Many feature scenes of men with covered faces firing automatic weapons, marching or practicing martial arts, as well as images of dead bodies and religious documents. Some show English-speaking suicide bombers reciting last wills.

The group often appeals to young men who have had trouble assimilating into American life, perhaps because they are unable to get a job, dropped out of school or got involved in gangs.


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