Tuesday 1 October 2013


Thriving Kenyan terrorist cells aided Westgate attackers, An Al Shabaab tweet on Monday claimed that some of the attackers had arrived safely back in Somalia from Nairobi Kenya  although this has not been verified. 

The authorities are downplaying it but what has merged from the Westgate investigations so far is the fact that there are powerful terrorist cells thriving  in Kenya.  Foreign investigators have threatened to pull out of the Westgate investigation because they cannot get DNA samples of the attackers. The investigators had joined their Kenyan counterparts in the forensic investigations into the attack by terrorists on the Westgate Shopping Mall on September 22.
The foreign investigators wanted to take DNA samples of the five terrorists reportedly killed by Kenyan security agents. Kenyan security has been reluctant to allow access to the terrorists' bodies raising doubts that any attackers were killed during the four day siege.

The help and support of these cells were crucial to the success of the attack on Westgate. The mostly foreign terrorists  were even taught Kiswahili by some locals in these cells. Several eyewitnesses have said the attackers were speaking fairly good Kiswahili. 

Clearly those who make decisions on intelligence reports received from the NSIS were sleeping on the job with such devastating consequences. Even without intelligence reports it is widely known that there has been some serious radicalization going on in some mosques in Mombasa and parts of Nairobi for a long time now.

This was about 2 years ago, Meaning that if this has been going on for some time then the numbers in  Kenya who have been radicalized and recruited by Al Shabab will scare most peace-loving Muslims and Kenyans at large.

It is unlikely that the investigation currently being carried out by legislators will touch on this critical issue. The MPs will be busy playing to the gallery and muscle-flexing above everything else. They are bound to be much more interested in following up reports that some officers of the Kenya police were involved in assisting the terrorists. 

As serious as this claim is it does not really touch on the root cause of the devastating success of the attack and the danger here is that the investigations will excite Kenyans with many sensational revelations but the numerous thriving terrorist cells will remain in place busy recruiting even more young Kenyans into their fold. 
How does that come anywhere near solving the problem? Read a chilling eyewitness report in my latest raw notes about one of the Westgate attackers who was so young that he had the high pitched voice boys have before they are old enough to break their voices.
The whole issue now is how the Kenya Security organs have Anti Terror Unit to face this new challenges , did the Kenya ARMY blow up the Westage while Terrorist left the building through sewage tunnel and kill the hostage instead of the hostage takers , why Government now is afraid to give the DNA for those who got killed are this people killed by the Army are terrorist or innocent hostages ?

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