What Made ODM Postpone Swearing odinga Ceremony?
From Kenyan Blogger .
With many internet connections jammed for 36 hours, I was not been able to make any post, but congrats to the thousands of Kenyan patriots out there, you have sustained the tempo very well.After spending the whole day with ODM top brass on new year's eve, I can authoritatively inform the world that this country is headed for a confrontation that will leave deep scars which will last decades to heal. Suggestions of a power sharing deal have been totally rejected by ODM which is demanding that Kibaki concedes defeat and hands over to Raila Odinga. This, according to ODM, is not negotiable. The ODM is working on mobilizing Kenyans to revolt against the PNU so as to force it to resign and give way to the ODM government. This tactic is already working as ALL social and economic actives are presently completely paralyzed. What is making life unbearable for many is that food stocks are running short and the internal security minister has deprived them of information. Food, water and electricity supplies to Kibera have been cut-off and the poor slum dwellers of Kibera are bearing the brunt of Michuki's draconian decrees.Whereas many will have already dismissed rumors of mass resignations from top public servants, its very true that 80% of them are on the side of ODM, going by the messages of goodwill and solidarity received by the party. The list of ODM well-wishers includes who-is-who in local and global political and business circles. I personally doubt whether Kibaki's PNU composed of the Wekesas, Mungatanas and Kiunjuris of this world will be any match.When ODM threatened to swear-in the people's president, it took the intervention of top diplomats, world leaders and PNU members known to be close to ODM to forestall what would literally been a creation of a stronger parallel government. Just how was President Raila meant to receive the sword? Who would administer the oath of office? Who were the invited dignitaries? These questions remain unanswered for now, but as someone close to ODM insiders, "everything had elaborately been put in place to ensure a successful official inauguration for Raila."
As the leading political party in this country, the ODM has opted that instead of giving Kenyan security forces an excuse to batter innocent wananchi, it is advising party supporters to follow the law and the ODM submitted a prerequisite notification to the police of intention to assemble at Uhuru Park on 3rd January 2008 - in what is called the one million protest march. Several resolutions will be made at this rally which will give the general direction which the ODM intends to take in its quest to unseat the PNU.

Experts on Kenyan law who read this blog will tell you that the Kibaki presidency is not just a sham but it is in reality a coup de' dat on the Kenyan people.
Diplomats and political observers have offered numerous solutions but these have all been rejected by ODM. This blogger received information that Michuki John Njoroge is now "ruling by proxy" and that there is a group of individuals with connection to Kenya's infamous and powerful corruption networks who have made it their business that the ODM must not be made to take over government at whatever cost.
ODM-K Presidential candidate - perhaps unaware that his past behavior and actions are indirectly responsible for Kenya's sad state of affairs - is now making it his business to contact ODM in a bid to have them "talk" to PNU, the same thing that he himself totally rejected when ODM-K's council of elders and Mrs. Charity Ngilu attempted to do so as to keep the orange families united. In my opinion, Kalonzo Musyoka's political career is moribund and after having roped in the Akamba community into his ill-fated presidential bid, he is the least qualified to act as a mediator in a conflict which pits parties that garnered more than 10 times his own presidential votes. This is made even worse by the fact that Kalonzo's ODM-K took sides at the most crucial point in endorsing a great injustice during the time ODM was making gallant and spirited efforts in stopping a kidnapped ECK Chairman reading illegitimate presidential results. Observers feel the two opposition parties should have been standing in solidarity after blatant robbery of votes from Eastern Province where ironically the ODM-K's presidential candidate hails from.
Meanwhile ODM calls upon its members to remain peaceful in the interim period, but mobilise in their millions to participate in country-wide mass action on Thursday 3rd January 2008. It will be a long and expensive struggle.
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