Tuesday 25 June 2013


Makueni, Kenya:
Former Kibwezi MP Philip Kaloki has hit the ground running to capture the vacant Makueni County Senate seatProf Kaloki who will contest the seat on the ruling Jubilee Alliance ticket traversed the expansive county over the weekend in the hunt for votes.
The seat fell vacant following the sudden death of Senator Mutula Kilonzo on April 27 and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has set the by-election on July 22.
The CORD Alliance through the Wiper affiliate party has picked the late Mutula’s daughter Kethi Diana Kilonzo as its flag bearer. : It is now official. The daughter of the late Senator Mutula Kilonzo,Kethi Diana will contest the vacant Makueni County Senate seat in the July 22 by-election. 
The party has since declared the seat a “Wiper seat” and promised to do everything at its disposal to retain it through Kethi..CORD leaders Monday trooped to Makueni County where they unveiled the late Senator Mutula Kilonzo’s daughter Kethi to succeed her father.
Activities in Wote town came to a near standstill as the CORD entourage snaked through the streets shortly after 4pm.
Top leaders Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula led a host of leaders in endorsing Kethi to carry the party’s flag in the July 22 by-election.
Senators Johnstone Muthama, David Musila, James Orengo and a host of several Wiper party legislators and women representatives accompanied the CORD luminaries.
They asked the people of Makueni to come out in large numbers and write history by electing Kethi as the first elected woman Senator.
Kethi was wildly cheered when she was escorted to the podium to declare her candidature at a huge rally held at Unoa Primary School grounds in Wote town.
“I have now come to you. I decided not to announce my candidature in Nairobi and decided to come and do it at home. Will you vote for me,” asked Kethi as the crowd roared back with a resounding yes.
She thanked the Makueni County electorate for voting for CORD and her late father and assured them that she is ready to fit in his shoes.
Saying: “Akili ni mali”(brain is wealth), Kethi said she has the necessary brains to represent the residents in the Senate just like her father wished to do. “When you see me, you should see brains, and if you vote for me, you get wealth,” she added.
Kethi said she is ready to work with all elected leaders in the county, including Makueni Governor Prof Kivutha Kibwana who was her lecturer at the University of Nairobi.
aila said they had come to Makueni to present Kethi to the electorate to contest the seat left vacant after her father’s death.
“We have come to bring Kethi to you. Will you vote for her,” posed Raila to which the crowd responded in the affirmative.
Raila said Kethi was suitable for the seat, adding she demonstrated her abilities during the Supreme Court case.
“Kethi made a name at the Supreme Court where she battled it out with renown lawyers,” added Raila.
He dismissed those saying he and Kalonzo should retire from active politics, saying they will continue fighting for the voiceless.
Kalonzo said the people of Makueni have made their choice to have Kethi as their senator and those hoping to contest it should just step aside because they have no chance

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