Wednesday 3 July 2013


Esam Al-Amin wrote last year,as long as the American major strategic objectives are not challenged, to “keep the Americans in, the Chinese and Russians out, the Iranians down, and the Israelis safe.”t’s hard to argue that the U.S., who has propped up a dictatorship in Egypt for decades in order to serve its own geo-political interests of control and domination, should have more of a say in Egyptian politics than the protesters and anyone who apparently speaks on their behalf.The military has nominally installed Judge Adly Mansour as interim president, but with the military also announcing the constitution null and void, Gen. Abdelfatah el-Sisi appears to hold all of the power in the nation.Morsi’s location is a matter of some speculation, as while he was initially held with the rest of the cabinet and some of his aides, but has since been taken to an “undisclosed location,” with some speculating he may be being held in the Defense Ministry.
If you read Thomas Friedman of New York times opinion will tell you this perfect is not in the menu any more no one will able to govern alone in Egypt who try to rule alone will fail this is the reality only tough decision can be made with national unity government to take out crisis and resolve the deep economical crisis.

All of which is very bad news for Egypt’s future. A functioning Egyptian democracy will require a successful democratic project and a successful Islamist democratic project. Both woke up in disarray on July 4. The Tahrir protesters abandoned at least two key democratic principles- respect for outcomes expressed at the ballot box and the non-interference of the military in politics. If the Tamarod (rebel) movement, behind the latest anti-Morsi mobilization, really had 22 million supporters as it claimed, then that should have been translated into votes in parliamentary elections scheduled by President Morsi for later this year. If there were grounds for doing so, a new Parliamentary majority could then have impeached the President.

Some may argue that this is naïve, that elections cannot be trusted when Islamists are in power. Yet such a conclusion is both premature and unproven. Are free and fair elections really more likely now that the military has recast its long shadow over Egyptian politics and in such an intimidating fashion? Parliamentary elections were on offer. Tamarod and the National Salvation Front opposition groups instead chose the extra-legal measure of a military coup as a first resort. To then accuse the Muslim Brotherhood of being the bad democrats should have Egyptians looking up the word ‘chutzpah’ in their dictionaries.

This is not a victory for freedom but for the old regime, or more precisely the Egyptian deep-state- a bureaucratic, military, and business elite, that never went away, is considered to be the real power in Egypt and that just reasserted its interests. In Turkey, the democratic Islamist movement of Prime Minister Erdogan took many years to largely neutralise the deep state. As in Turkey, liberal secularists in Egypt have apparently decided that the democratic mutation on offer from the deep state is preferable to a full democracy, which confers a level playing field on Islamists.

But perhaps the greatest set back this coup has delivered is to the democratic Islamist project itself, without which, stable, open, inclusive and rule based governance is unlikely to take root. A democracy for everyone except Islamists will be handicapped and ultimately fail in a country like Egypt with a large community of religious believers and in which the Brotherhood is a popular and socially-embedded movement. President Morsi and large segments of the Brotherhood, after long periods of harsh persecution and after difficult internal debates, ultimately endorsed the democratic electoral process. That decision just had sand kicked in its face, and by the bucketful, undermining the movement’s more democratic wing and empowering its more radical wing. Is this more naivety – is a democratic Islamist an oxymoron? Let’s not be determinist or allow Egyptian generals and secularists to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. And remember, the Brotherhood itself is also a diverse movement, Morsi represented one governing approach, but the coup and subsequent crackdown will be perceived as a wholesale assault on the movement rather than a commentary on Morsi's particular management and leadership style.

The peaceful, constitutional transfer of power will spare blood,but the world have failed to see  coup is  option for civil war is the worst option in Egypt  .People were killed when unknown gunmen opened fire on a crowd of Morsi supporters yesterday but this  secret service militia will never be presicuted now we will see the blood spill again in Cairo.The Egyptian army has ousted President Mohammed Morsi, suspended the constitution but this will hunt Western Powers for many years to come they have lost the Democratic oportunity. this will be another Iranian Revolutiuon again

The Egyption  constitution names Morsy as supreme commander of the armed forces,  but the military remains master of its own destiny and a rival source of authority to the country's first freely elected head of state.  President Mursi failed to build his support from Poor people in Egypt instead many of Muslim Brother hood Guards thought they are secure after  cuting deal with Military .But the Egyptian Military receive 1.Billion From USA every year and I belive Brother hood failed to understand the motive of Suadia Arabia and Western countries funding thousand of Grass root movements in Egypt this was the product of this Grass root movement and the out come we see today the over throw of elected President.

 Edogan was smart enough to side with poor and Islamist and but Mursi  Ignoring the dangerous precedent that military intervention sets for Egyptian democracy, the calls for technocratic rule expose a deeper problem among Egypt's political class: a common belief that technical expertise and administration will solve the country's various crises. If Morsi's failure tells us anything, it is that Egypt needs not technocrats but real politicians, with charismatic Leader this is my comparison between Edogan Charismatic style and Mursi with poor advisers .Mohamed Mursi also failed to win the figures in his government like Mohammed Elbaradei who is well known in Diplomatic Arena. Edogan was Islamist Leader but he was able to win the moderate and liberal as well but this was the big mistake Muslim Brother hood failed to win the Liberal.

Why Muslim Brother hood failed to understand the Motive of the military and foreign intervention before they took power and how they ware blocked  to run the country even if they win the election  ?
Egypt's military rulers move to consolidate power on the eve of the presidential runoff election between Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood and Ahmed Shafik, a former prime minister to Mr. Mubarak. They shut down the Islamist-led Parliament, predicated on acourt ruling a day before, and seize the sole right to issue laws even after a new head of state takes office. Their charter gives them control of all laws and the national budget, immunity from any oversight and the power to veto a declaration of war.
The military counsel also issues an interim constitution, all but ll but eliminating the president's authority in an apparent effort to guard against a victory by the Muslim Brotherhood.
The faliure to understand the Egypt Military which Edogan was his first Project to crush the  Turkish military and put them on the military baracks not on the political Corridor. In public, Morsy and the army have kept up appearances. The presidency has moved repeatedly to quash rumours of tensions with the generals. And the constitution signed into law by Morsy late last year protects the interests of the military, which oversees a sprawling economic empire that produces everything from bottled water to tablet computers.

"The presidency didn't perceive the military as a threat,"
The current head of the armed forces, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, was appointed by Morsy in his second month in office after he sent into retirement Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, Mubarak's defence minister for two decades.
Twenty years Tantawi's junior, Sisi was promoted from the position of military intelligence director. Analysts have described it as an arrangement that suited both Morsy and a younger generation of army commanders seeking promotion.But General Sisi used to be Egyptian Military atache in Saudi Arabia  and the Saudis was never secret to speak about the Islamic goverment in Egypt as well the fight of Power bewteen Egypt and Qatar .Even the Royal family of Saudi Arabia today issued the statement  they well come Egyption military by welcome hands , while Qatar was trying to have political Influence in Muslim World this was a big headache  for Saudi Arabia and Saudi was ralying Western countries to side line Islamist Governemnt in Egypt. and In Washington one Military General was not shy to tell Aljazeera we never like Islamist Govenment in Egypt this will tell you why this  Coup in Egypt was called by Washington poples Revolution !
 Who General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi ?
He was trained in the United States and Britain, like many officers in an army that receives $1.3 billion in military aid a year from Washington.
While saying the army was out of politics, Sisi has repeatedly called on Egypt's feuding politicians to settle their differences. In December, he chaired unity talks to ease tensions ignited by a decree that expanded Morsy’s powers.
Earlier this year, Sisi warned that unrest could bring down the state. He also responded to calls for the army to unseat Morsy, saying: "No one is going to remove anybody".
The army has not said what Morsy’s fate will be in the plan which it will implement if the politicians fail to agree.
My opinion if Westren countries failed to remember the Khomeni Revolution in 1979  which was  the same Western Plot to install Shah as Puppet Government is worth for Washington to swallow elected Islamist Governemnt and build Democratic institution than having Egypt divided like Palestine half of the country is Under HAMAS and half under Mahamoud Abbas but the Reality and history will stay Mohammed Mursi was elected President won his Presidency over 50% this can translate alot for Muslim Brother Hood Ligitimacy and this will divide Egypt in two Pieces. Like Gaza and West Bank. as well the Western Agenda have failed to have democratic governemnts in Muslim World .it is the fair of Western for the people not to elect  the Western Pupet now the Western have put Democracy on hold fear of the Hamas  in Palestine , Hizbullah in Lebanon and Brother hood in Egypt . 

Did Jihadist got new Frontier  to fight jihad?

Now the brother of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who lives in Egypt, Mohamed Al Zawahiri has vowed to engage in armed struggle if President Mohamed Morsy was forced to step down in response to massive protests demanding early presidential elections. If the United States or its agents in Egypt make an impetuous move towards confrontation, that will surely be in our favor. We have nothing to lose,”  Jihadist movements will, eventually, have “the upper hand,” he said.The Salafi Jihadi organization in Sharqiya, President Morsy's hometown, released a statement declaring "war against the Armed Forces" in support of the president. The group accused the military of turning against Morsy and siding with "the evil forces of the opposition that are affiliated with the West."

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