Sunday 7 July 2013


Mugabe has been bullying the Zimbabwean people without consequence for his actions .Fears Zimbabwe's election is being stolen before the election by Mugabe allies through purge of electoral roll. Mugabe launches 'fight for life' poll campaign Mugabe warns Zanu PF if they lose election. ZEC Complicated Registration ‘Designed’ to Prevent Zimbabwean’s From Voting Registration 'delaying tactics' rile voters .Zimbabwe's President Mugabe predicts '90% poll victory'

Tsvangirai accuses Israeli specialists of rigging voters roll, Soldiers and police officers to cast ballots in secret.
MDC launches elections manifesto on Sunday. Media Workers and Human Rights Activists Battle Against Zimbabwean Threats to Freedom of Expression .Among other things, the opinions of a former member of the Zimbabwe Republic Police force. My take on the world in general and one thing in particular - a commentary on the current situation in Zimbabwe. I am not a journalist, nor a political activist, but I am a man with a conscience. Hence, this page is my civic responsibility. The more people that hear about the devastating rule in Zimbabwe and the problems therein, the better!
Tsvangirai is standing for president against his main rival and coalition partner, Robert Mugabe.

On Friday Mr Mugabe said it was a "do or die struggle", but urged supporters to refrain from violence.He also pledged to create more job as he launched his campaign at a rally in Marondera, ahead of the 31 July vote.
r Tsvangirai was approaching these elections "with a heavy heart", since the necessary reforms had not been introduced, he told the crowd.

Arch-rivals Mugabe (l) and Tsvangirai will face off again in the presidential vote
"There are no reforms in the media, and other reforms to ensure free and fair elections have not been achieved," he told supporters at the rally east of Harare.

The leader of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) pledged to create jobs and boost industries such as manufacturing and mining that have seen businesses closed in recent times.

He also promised to introduce free health care within the first 100 days of his presidency and to scrap maternity healthcare fees for women.

And the 61-year-old said he would only bring back the Zimbabwean dollar if there was economic stability.

He pulled out of the second round of the 2008 presidential election, accusing the security forces and pro-Mugabe militias of attacking his supporters around the country.

He had won the most votes in the first round but, according to official results, not enough to win outright.

After Mr Mugabe went ahead with the run-off, winning with 85% of votes cast, regional mediators intervened to organise the power-sharing agreement.

The election will mark the end of that coalition government, which has stabilised the country's economy.

On Thursday, the Constitutional Court rejected an appeal by both parties to delay elections set for 31 July for a couple of weeks.

Critics says key security, media and electoral reforms demanded by regional mediators, the Southern African Development Community (Sadc), have yet to be implemented.

The MDC also warned last month that the voters' roll was in a "shambles" and the vote could be rigged.

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