Democratic Republic of Zanzibar is New Dream for this youths had lined up yesteday at Matemwe out side Zanzibar town where it was considred the strong hold of the ruling party CCM .New generation decided to join the opposition party CUF which will give Zanzibar its voice and the building of democracy and rule of law which was crushed after the Union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was formed in 1964.
I was wondering if Dr Shein will be President of Zanzibar today if this some thing call KAMATI YA MARIDHIANO ( RECONCILIATION COMITEE) worked behind the shadow to put his name on the nomination table in order to save Zanzibar from political turm oil, no one was not even think he have any room to manouver any chance of becoming President of Zanzibar , it was this gang of eight who were scraching there head who will hold peace and reconciliation after Amani karume finish his second term , there was even thought of changing the constitution to have extra 12 months for President Karume to finish the plan he have with his Comitte to save Zanzibar.
Dr Shein told his friends after the CCM nomination in Dodoma he could not sleep and was not sure in his life time will get this chance to be a President so he lost sleep for a day !It remind me when Mze Ruksa was followed by Secret Service to report to Dar after the Coup of removing Aboud Jumbe aka Chama Kushika hatamu after demanding three structures of government at CCM , NEC meeting in Dodoma that was the end of his Presidency , also I was laughing when they told me how Mwinyi become Presindent .Mze Ruksa was in hiding for days after his wife told him Secret Service was looking for him . Mwinyi was very worried he was a HIZBU so might be a target to go to Prison for Political fitna from ASP or this days CCM hardliners but finaly he show up from hiding after he was told Mwalimu want you to be the President of Zanzibar after the removing of Curent President ALhaj ABoud Jumbe ( Hali ya Hewa imechafuka Zanzibar Mzee want you to help him . And Nyerere was smart enough to know how Zanzibari they love Jumbe so he have to find name can match like two brothers Aboud Jumbe Mwinyi and ALy Hassan Mwinyi many people thought this Mwinyi are same family but in reality they never have blood relation just names but it was the politics of Nyerere Tricks !
But CCM hardiliners were aware the power of Karume and they underestimate his plan to have Government of National Unity and side lide the hardlinerners prifered candidate DR Bilali and Pushed Kikwete to swallow the pills of CCM hardliners from Zanzibar and apoint him VP and support which today we call GNU Aka MSETO !
Dr Shein after he was elected he invite this comittee at the state house for the work they have done but today he realy shocked me to tell the Journalist he dont Know any thing about this comittee.
I wonder why ? but Dr shein will be First Vice President if CCM lost election in Zanzibar why worry ?
But yesterday 700 Youth defect from CCM to the opposition is this road for Freedom and Democracy in Zanzibar or pnic for ruling party ?
Let us end this article by briefly revisiting the status of world’s current situation. From the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 to Tanzania constituon spring 2013 ?Many years later, Nyerere admitted that the ‘Act of Union’ was ‘an emergency act.’ It is not surprising then that this is the same Nyerere who became a fiery critic of those members of parliament, famously known as G55,include Njelu Kasaka who came up with a resolution, demanding a government of Tanganyika. What he wrote afterwards can help us move beyond the current Union structure.
In his book ‘Our Leadership and the Destiny of Tanzania’, Nyerere affirms that we could have adopted a merger with one government or a federation with three governments. ‘But’, he insists, ‘we felt unable to do so because of the small size of Zanzibar relative to that of Tanganyika.’ The latter setup, he asserts, ‘would have been too costly for Tanganyika’. But why? Because it ‘would contribute the vast bulk of the costs for running’ it on top of its own government he was no no for three government federation ?
Dont mess with Zanzibar not any more Pinda learned his lesson !
If you want to put Tanzania’s Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda on the spot, , just mention ‘the Zanzibar question’ – whether or not Zanzibar should retain its own separate government. Pinda sparked national debate by suggesting that Zanzibar is not a country, when he said that he would like to see Tanzania ‘run by a single government instead of two’. If we don’t ‘take the bull by its horns’ and resolve the Union issue once and for all, it will surely ‘explode’.Expectedly, this statement has sparked yet another national debate on ‘The Union question’. ‘Several Zanzibar politicians in 2009, ‘denounced Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda’s remark.’ One of them even insisted that the PM should withdraw his statement.
But if Nyerere was alive today this Union Debate will never take place in Zanzibar or Tnaganyika !and many don't see the dark side of this constitutional review , some one say it was the same old wine but with new shining bottle how can CCM elders DR Salim and Warioba dump there ship , that will never happen this constitution review my prediction CCM will win the battle even come out stronger in Mainland if you dont believe me many did not believe my prediction of UHURU wining Presidency in Kenya but today they clap there hand for Kijana Wetu.
This is the puzzle of this new Constitution and the fiasco how can you come with the new constitution for Tanganyika while People of Grand Tanzania did not vote to agree with this three Government Structure ? if you spend with all this tax payers money and if people dis agree with the new structure means we are stuck with current VIRAKA constitution and is likely , if you ask me why CCM will never have New Katiba in 2015 66 % of Zanzibar i want Mkataba ( Union Treaty ) and in Mainland Tanganyika Chadema opposition party is preaching three Government Option and CCM is preaching the same system imagine this three groups how can you get New constitution ? Kitendawili tega ?
My next article will focus more on why the last option left for this union to survive with less conflicts and less expenses
Zanzibar — ZANZIBARIS will only nod to the new constitution if their demands for more autonomy have been considered, the Civic United Front (CUF) Secretary General Mr Seif Sharif Hamad said.
"We eagerly await the launch of the first draft of the union constitution in Dar es Salaam on Monday.
I have been invited to attend the much awaited ceremony, but Zanzibaris will be happy if the draft has clauses that provide sovereignty for Zanzibar," Mr Hamad, who is the Isles First Vice-President said.
He said at the well attended rally held at Kibanda-Maiti grounds in the municipality, where he emphasized that Zanzibar wants "its own seat in the UN, currency, and Zanzibar National Examination Council to end repeatedly poor performance of students from the islands."
"We demand absolute freedom in foreign relations, so that we can join international organizations such as OIC without interference from the union government. We want our own citizenship, immigration, have our own passports, and national resources (Oil and gas)," are other non union matters that Hamad mentioned amid cheers.
Almost all leaders from the party attended the colourful rally organized by both CUF and the "Zanzibar political reconciliation committee of six", but only one member from the committee Mr Mohammed Riamy attended.
It was highly expected that the retired President of Zanzibar Amani Karume, and the chairman of the committee Mr Hassan Nassor Moyo would attend, but they were absent.
However, main speakers at the rally (Hamad and Ismail Jussa), hailed Mr Amani Karume and his late father Abeid Karume for standing strong in the interest of Zanzibar. Part of the late Karume's speech calling for Zanzibar sovereignty was played at the rally as Hamad asked Zanzibaris to follow the footsteps of Mr Karume to make sure that Zanzibar "republic" is restored.
"If the Constitution Review Commission (CRC) led by Judge Joseph Warioba has ignored our demands, we will keep on demanding for Zanzibar rights peacefully. Call it any name, but Zanzibaris want their sovereignty to be constitutional," Mr Hamad said.
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