Monday 8 July 2013


The IEBC is yet to release the 2013 election results. Why? Why the delay and excuses? Is there something really fishy going on FOR THE uHURU Kenyata Presidency here or is it just incompetence. ?

Kethi Kilonzo mind numbing shock behind the scenes all is not well with Kenya's sweetheart candidate for the Makueni senatorial seat Kethi Diana Kilonzo. As you read this there is no doubt that the chair of the IEBC Isaak Hassan is sweating profusely. My latest raw notes tell you exactly why.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission is scheduled to deliver a verdict on complaints over the eligibility of Wiper candidate Kethi Kilonzo and Narc candidate Philip Kaloki to run for the Makueni Senate seat at 2.30 this afternoon.

In a hearing that began on Friday last week the IEBC’s Dispute Resolution Committee heard that Kethi was not a registered voter and the Karen polling centre where she claimed to have registered does not exist.

However, Kethi insisted that she was a duly registered voter and that she was rightly cleared by the IEBC to contest the by-election scheduled for July 22.

The commission was also asked to reject the candidature of Kaloki as he presented his papers after the deadline assigned to candidates. The Wiper Party which filed the complaint said Kaloki presented his papers to the returning officer on June 26 after which they were found to be invalid. He then returned with other papers on the 27 and was cleared. The Wiper party said this was an abuse of the nomination process as no other candidate was allowed to present their papers twice.

Kaloki is also accused of being a member of two political parties at the same time. When he presented his nomination papers from Narc, the returning officer was allegedly in possession of other nomination papers that showed Kaloki was a candidate for the United Republican Party (URP).

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